Portrait of the SNaNe – Prof Dr med Silvia Miano
Prof Dr med Silvia Miano
Titular Professor, Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Università della Svizzera Italiana | Sleep Medicine Unit, Ospedale Civico, Lugano, Switzerland
Silvia Miano is pediatric psychiatrist and Sleep Medicine Expert; she is currently the Head of Clinic at Civic Hospital of Lugano, Neurocenter of the Southern Switzerland Sleep Medici Unit, Lugano. She received her MD degree from La Sapienza University, Rome, in 1997, and she was trained in Developmental Neuropsychiatry in Rome (FMH in paediatric psychiatry). She obtained a PhD in Pediatric Science in 2010. She was enabled as Associate Professor in Developmental Neuropsychiatry, Italian National Concourse, in 2014, and she is Titular Professor at the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Università della Svizzera Italiana. She has been invited as a Professor to teach in several national and international courses (i.e European Sleep Research Society). She is Professor of “Master on line en Sueño: Fisiología y Medicina, “Tema 10. Insomnio en la infancia y en el adolescente”. She worked at the Sleep Disease Centre, Paediatric Department, Sant’Andrea Hospital, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Rome, Italy.
The main field of her research has been focused on clinical studies about paediatric sleep neurophysiology, sleep disorders and epilepsy, sleep maturation, cognition, and hypersomnolence, in normal children, children with mental disabilities, autism, rare form of genetic and epileptic encephalopathy, obstructive sleep apnoea, normal new-borns and infants and infants at risk of sudden infant death syndrome and with apparent life threatening events, ADHD and narcolepsy.
Her publications on sleep and ADHD lead her to publish an invited article on The ADHD Report with Guilford Publications which is a newsletter designed for clinicians and parents founded by Dr. Barkley (https://guilfordjournals.com/toc/adhd/20/6). She was awarded at the Winner Hospes Sueños 2007 International Award: Second Position.
She has been a member of the Task Force Group for the Clinical practice guideline, for the Diagnosis and management of obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in childhood, European Respiratory Society (ERS), and current member of ERS Central Apnoea Task Force. She has been author of numerous international abstracts, papers and book chapters (HI 33).
She was part of the local Committee of the Swiss Society for Sleep Research Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology Congress in Lugano, in 2017.
In recent years, she collaborated with the University Department Neurology, Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland for a Swiss National Foundation project about sleep consequences of adult acute ischemic stroke, and she completed as Principal Investigator, a research project, granted by the Advisory Board of Civic Hospital of Lugano (ABREOC), Switzerland, regarding sleep microstructure in children with ADHD. Several peer-reviewed papers on sleep and ADHD were published from this project. She is part of the board of the Swiss Narcolepsy Network, contributing to increase the visibility of this rare disorder with a pediatric approach, she is also part of the Pediatric Special Interest Group of the Swiss Society for Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology. To increase her knowledge and expertise in central disorders of hypersomnolence, she obtained in September 2021 a brief Scientific Exchange funded by SNF, with the Reference National Center for Narcolepsy-Hypersomnia, Montpellier University Hospital Center, France.
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