Board of SNaNe-RSD


Prof. Claudio Bassetti, President

Claudio L. Bassetti is full professor of neurology and vice-dean of the medical faculty at the University of Bern.

He is the director of the neurology department, speaker of Neurocenter and director of the University Sleep-Wake-Epilepsy Center (SWEZ) at the University Hospital (Inselspital) in Bern.

Claudio Bassetti received his MD degree from the University of Basel in 1984. He trained in neurology in Bern and Lausanne (FMH certification in 1992), and performed research fellowships in basic neurophysiology (Basel, 1985-1986) and sleep medicine (Ann Arbor-Michigan, USA, 1995-6). In 1997 he became associate professor at the University of Bern.

In 2000 he was appointed professor of neurology at the university of Zurich and director of the neurological outpatient clinics of the university hospital. In 2009 he founded the Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland which he directed until 2012.

Claudio Bassetti has authored eight books and over 370 scientific publications (CI>12’000; H-index 60).

His research interests include sleep, stroke, and movement disorders with a translational (human and animal) approach. He served as president of the European Neurological Society (ENS, 2013-4), European Sleep Research Society (ESRS, 2008-12) and Swiss Neurological Society (SNG, 2008-12). He was the founder and first president of the Swiss Federation of Clinical Neurosocieties (SFCNS, 2009-13).

Currently he is board member of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMW) and the Swiss Clinical Trails Organization (SCTO).

Claudio Bassetti received the M. Aldrich Award in 2008 and the Pisa Sleep Award in 2010. He is honorary member of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN).


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Prof. Dr. Ramin Khatami, Vice-Pesident & Finances

Ramin Khatami is Associate Professor of Neurology at the University of Bern and head of the Center of Sleep Medicine and Epileptology at Clinic Barmelweid, Switzerland. Ramin Khatami obtained his MD at Berlin Free University, and was trained in neurology at Dept. of Neurology University Erfurt and Freie Universität Berlin. He became head of the EEG laboratory at Epilepsy Department at Charité Berlin Humboldt University, Germany. In 2003 he received a postdoc research grant to work at the Neurology Department, University Hospital (Prof. Dr. C. Bassetti) and at the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, section sleep and circadian rhythms (Prof. Dr. A. Borbèly).

In 2008, he obtained his habilitation at the University of Zurich. He is currently Associate Professor and head of Sleep Medicine, Epileptology and Sleep Research, at the Clinic Barmelweid running 12 fully equipped inpatients recording units and a huge outpatient ambulatory unit (>2000 patients/year).

Ramin Khatami heads a team of 32 members, including a research group. His research focus is on the diagnosis and pathophysiology of narcolepsy and other hypersomnias of central origin using electrophysiology and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) together with advanced data analysis methods including machine learning. He was one of the founding members of the European Narcolepsy Network (EU-NN) and responsible for launching the international EU-NN database on narcolepsy in 2010


Prof. Dr. med Silvia Miano – Education and Communication

Silvia Miano is currently the Head of Clinic at Civic Hospital of Lugano, Neurocenter of the Southern Switzerland Sleep and Epilepsy Center, Lugano. She received her MD degree from La Sapienza University, Rome, in 1997, and she was trained in Developmental Neuropsychiatry in Rome (FMH in paediatric psychiatry). She obtained a Phd in Pediatric Science in 2010. She was enabled as Associate Professor in Developmental Neuropsychiatry, Italian National Concourse, in 2014. She worked at the Sleep Disease Centre, Paediatric Department, Sant’Andrea Hospital, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Rome, Italy. The main field of her research has been focused on clinical studies about paediatric sleep neurophysiology, sleep disorders and epilepsy, sleep maturation and cognition, and hypersomnolence. She has been a member of the Task Force Group for the Clinical practice guideline, for the Diagnosis and management of obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in childhood, European Respiratory Society. She was awarded at the Winner Hospes Sueños 2007 International Award: Second Position: She has been authors of numerous international abstracts, papers, chapters of book (CI:>1200, HI 20). She have been invited as a Professor to teach in several national and international courses (i.e European Sleep Research Society). She is Professor of “Master on line en Sueño: Fisiología y Medicina, “Tema 10. Insomnio en la infancia y en el adolescente. She was part of local Commitee of the Swiss Society for Sleep Research Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology Congress in Lugano, in 2017.


Dr. med Sigrid Von Manitius,  Secretary

Dr. Sigrid von Manitius is a qualified specialist for neurology, sleep medicine (Swiss Society of Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology) and psychiatry and psychotherapy. She works as co-director of the Interdisciplinary Sleep Center at the Kantonsspital St. Gallen (KSSG).
After studying medicine in Erlangen, Munich, Boston and Bern, Dr. Sigrid von Manitius trained in neurology at the University of Erlangen/Nuremberg, in psychiatry at the university of Zurich (PUK) and continued working in neurology and sleep medicine in St. Gallen (KSSG) before joining the board of the Interdisciplinary Sleep Center at the Kantonsspital St. Gallen as a senior physician.
She is co-investigator of the iSPHYNCS study, a large international ongoing multicenter cohort study investigating central disorders of hypersomnolence (CDH) and narcolepsy with a special focus on the comorbidity with psychiatric disorders. She has been involved in sleep research studies concerning narcolepsy,  central disorders of hypersomnolence, epilepsy, movement disorders in sleep and restless legs syndrome and organizes the 9th Swiss Narcolepsy Day in St. Gallen 2024.


Prof Dr. Alexandre N. Datta – Research

Alexandre Datta Head of the Department of Paediatric Neurology and Developmental Medicine at the University Children’s Hospital Basel (UKBB), Co-Head of the Centre for Epileptology, Sleep Medicine, and Chronobiology at the Basel University Hospitals, and Head of the research group “Paediatric Epilepsy and Sleep” at the Department of Clinical Research, University of Basel, Switzerland.

Born and raised in Switzerland, he holds both Swiss and Italian citizenship. He completed his medical degree at the University of Basel and undertook his medical training at the University Children’s Hospitals of Basel and Geneva, as well as at Necker-Enfants Malades in Paris.
As a paediatric epileptologist and sleep specialist, his clinical and research interests focus on the effects of epilepsy on sleep, regeneration, and plasticity, as well as on electroencephalography and the development of sleep. In his sleep laboratory and consultation service, he provides diagnostic work-up and ongoing follow-up care for children, adolescents, and young adults with the full spectrum of sleep pathologies, including narcolepsy types 1 and 2, idiopathic hypersomnia, and Kleine-Levin syndrome. He is actively involved in several research projects on central hypersomnolences, including the international SPHYNCS study and others. He serves as the President of the Swiss Society of Paediatric Neurology and as a board member of the Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, the Swiss Society of the CNS, the Swiss Narcolepsy Network, and the Swiss Brain Health Plana and as medical advisor for the Swiss Narcolepsy Society.


PD Dr. med Josè Haba-Rubio – Member at a Large

Co-director of the Florimont Sleep Center, Dr José Haba-Rubio is a neurologist and sleep specialist (Swiss Society of Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology, and European Sleep Research Society certificates), Privat-Docent (PD) and Maître d’Enseignement et de Recherche (MER-clin) at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of Lausanne and attending physician at the Center for Investigation and Research in Sleep (CIRS) of the CHUV.

After studying medicine in Spain and France, Dr. Haba-Rubio trained in neurology and sleep medicine in Brussels, Strasbourg, and Geneva, before joining the CIRS, where he became a senior physician.

He is co-investigator of the HypnoLaus study, a large-scale epidemiological study conducted in Lausanne, investigating the prevalence and impact of sleep disorders within the general population. He has been involved in sleep research studies covering areas such as movement disorders during sleep, restless legs syndrome, sleep disordered breathing and central hypersomnias (narcolepsy, Kleine-Levin syndrome), and he is co-author, with Prof. Raphael Heinzer, of the book for the general public “Je rêve de dormir” (ed. Favre),  which has been translated into Spanish and Chinese.