Presentation of the SNaG

Wishes from the Swiss Narcolepsy Society (SNaG) to the physicians


The SNaG is an active patient organization that advocates for the social, professional, and medical concerns of children and adults with narcolepsy or with another form of central hypersomnia.

According to its statutes, the SNaG pursues the following objectives:

  • Social, medical counseling and, if possible, financial support for those affected and their relatives.
  • Promoting the interpersonal relationships of those affected.
  • Informing affected persons and their relatives about progress in diagnosis and treatment.
  • Educating the public about narcolepsy.
  • Supporting and helping to finance projects for research into narcolepsy and other hypersomnias.
  • Cooperation with the authorities, institutions and associations representing the same interests.


Our members receive an informative bulletin (in German language) twice a year on our social activities and on current medical topics (Fig. 1).

We would like to ask all physicians who care for patients with narcolepsy or hypersomnia to make the patients aware of our society and to give them our brief information (Fig. 2), which is available in German, French and Italian.

Individual membership
is open to any person affected by narcolepsy or any other hypersomnia, as well as parents and relatives of those affected and persons actively involved in the Society.

Family members
may be married or cohabiting couples with or without minor children if all live in the same household and if at least one person is affected by narcolepsy or other hypersomnia.

Patron member
Any natural or legal person who supports the SNaG through an extraordinary contribution can become a patron member.

Non-members, physicians or sleep centers can order our information brochures at cost price of CHF 2.- from the secretariat (

Thank you very much for a good cooperation

Michel Weber
President SNaG

Prof. Dr. J. Mathis
Head of the Scientific Advisory Board